Tuesday, October 11, 2016

My favorite experience

May 12- 2015 experience
My experiences with Sri Vittal babaji ::

Small things make a big difference.

Today i had to take my daughter to some place but the location was new to me and more over the time i had to take her it was rush hour . I was not confident to drive that place but still i do not have any choice left ...I had to go. Then i started telling to
Sri Vittal babaji picture :: Baba !! I am worried about going to the new location but what to do baba ?? Can you please be with me the moment i start from my place and until i return home safe ?? Please stay with me baba !!!. I will attach the same picture here. That picture baba blessed and gave it to me during my last visit to India.

After i talked with Sri Vittal babaji's picture exactly after One hour i
received a call from my neighbor and friend  & When i told her i am getting ready to take my daughter some place but kind of worried as its new location  & i needed to drive and go all by myself.
Immediately she offered me :: Sree datta, Don't worry ill come with you.
But...I asked her :: You have your daughter to take care of,
 how can you come ??
Friend replied :: Don't worry i will keep her in one of our friends house ....she will be happy to play with their kids.

The thing here is :: The place where we live, i hardly know very few friends....and i don't even keep in touch with them very often as ill be running in and out with my daughters school and her activities ...Pick-ups and drops..... But here ...See... Baba made her to call me the time i needed some one who can just be there with me to support and more over my friend who offered me help today ::
The time she was driving with her learners permit  i used to join her just to sit next to her as i have my license.
(( Who ever has learners permit they needed to drive with a licensed driver )) . Even then my mind did not get a thought to call her and seek some help.

Guru knows best.

It was really a big help to me, as she was there just beside to me i could able to take my daughter to attend her activity & reached home safe. I Couldn't resist to share today's Sri Vittal babaji's love towards his child with all our family members in this platform.

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

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