God does not inspect every moment of our life, it is the conscious which does this. It keeps inspecting your good deeds and bad deeds .We must always keep diverting ourselves towards God no matter what work we do the name of Lord should always be on our mind and heart. It is natural for all of us to get diverted from God i.e, having no focus on Him. Amma gave a very amazing example- when we are at the airport to receive our beloved ones, in spite of many passengers coming out we just look for and have focus on our beloved ones, and our eyes constantly search for them, as in which direction they are coming.The same in the case of our love towards Guru...Completely dedicated and focused.
Guru will always guide us and we must realize the truth that Guru is the invisible energy in us, who is guiding us and will always guide us.We must develop this kind of faith towards our Guru and once, you start trusting Him you will develop confidence within yourself, no matter what it could be my Guru is always their for me and He will take care of everything.He will show me the good path. You will feel the presence of Guru in our lives by listening to His leelas daily and following virtues. We expect everyone to change for us.But, how much are we trying to change for others?Are we trying to correct our mistakes?
Amma says let us change for good from within and set a good example for others.
Here I would like to narrate a story from my childhood: I had a Yoga teacher who always preached good things to us but he could not follow the same at his home, so, he had no respect form his own family members..it is always said practice before you preach.
Amma also mentioned that the kind of thoughts you develop within will release vibrations form our body.If we think good, +ve vibrations are released and if we think bad, -ve vibrations are released in the surroundings we live.Same with the kind of affection we show towards our kids, in spite of all the emotions we undergo, we must try to show love towards them.Let us try to correct ourselves if we are not up to the mark.
For example:: if someone is trying to show their frustration on you, why do you react?You be calm and peaceful, rather showing equal frustration.If you also show frustration both of you are spreading negative vibrations to your surroundings. Though maintaining our cool at any cost is a challenging task, but, we must try to do this and improve ourselves.
Each one is responsible for the type of fruits they are bearing now, whether it is good or bad...everything carried from the kind of seeds we have sown in the previous birth.
Amma narrates a lovely story here:
A king calls 3 people from the court and asks them to bring a bag full of fruits and vegetables which in turn will be distributed to the poor.All 3 set out on their job. The first person being very generous and kind hearted and wants the poor to enjoy best of the food,he takes in a lot of effort and plucks good fruits and vegetables.The 2nd one person being moderate generous think as they are poor it is okay to offer them any kind of food , picks up mixed kind of vegetables and fruits.The 3rd person was in a hurry to reach the king and did not want to waste his time on picking up good food for them as he thinks they are any how poor so it is okay I can give them what ever I find and not so serious on the job allocated picks up whatever he finds from the ground.
When they go back to the king and King says to them that the rule has changed and they will be imprisoned for a week and the bag of fruits and vegetables what they have brought can be used by them for that week.
It is very obvious that that the first person enjoys and has a good time as hid bag is full best eatables.Whereas, the second person can withstand for few days as,his bag contains only few good eatables and later collapses. the third person state was horrible for obvious reasons.So we should always be careful in life.We must not do things or work to impress otherwise, but, as work as we are working for our Guru.
We must not do things for getting appreciations from others but, work for good and be good in order to experience love from our Guru and for His Grace.Because that is what matters for each and everyone of us in our life.
Having Guru Krupa in once life is the main goal of this birth .His Krupa can make us win in all kind of situation as long as we are doing good, no matter people recognize it or not.The person who should recognize is our Guru. Even, we do not appreciate many people in our life whom we come across in spite of them doing good service.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.
Will continue. Part 3 tomorrow.
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