Thursday, December 21, 2017

Vallabhesha and Anjaneya sharma Previous birth stories

So far we shared about Ambika mata's life and tried to analyze that Karma has to be faced - good or bad.But,when we are facing the bad part of our karma, surrendering our self to Guru will give us strength to face any challenge and He will bless us with proper wisdom, as, how to behave, talk, respond and react.

Now, if we come to Vallabeshudu story( From Sreepada leelavaibhavam) .When Vallabesha comes to seek the blessings of Sreepada Swami at Kurvapuram, he had no money with him as he was poor.And being poor was his concern.But at that time, Sreepada Swami Himself gets Vallabesha married to a pious girl. Vallabesha could not feed himself a single day and why Swami made him get married to a girl in this crises?  Only SWAMI knows it!!

After the marriage, Vallabesha starts a small business and this Shakthi  was granted by Sadhguru .And, with the blessings of Sadhguru he prospers very well. Vallabesha never forgot namasmarana of His Guru and his heart was always filled with  gratitude towards his Guru.

 Vallabesha makes a sankalpa to feed food(annadanam) at Kurvapuram. On his way to Kurvapuram, few dacoits attack him and Sreepada Swami Knowing this, comes and save Vallabesha from them.This incident took place after Sreepada Swami disappeared(ended the avatara) from His physical form.

From Guru Charitra:

When Sreepada Swami takes the avataram as Narashima Saraswathi, Vallabesha takes birth as Baskara Sharma.Even in this birth he is a poor man.He was always surrounded by people making fun of him.When he makes a sankalpa to feed food to the needy in the presence of SriGurudu, his financial capacity would allow him to feed only to 2-3 people.But, with Swami's grace he could arrange food for more than 100 people.

If we analysis, when he was born as Vallabesha he suffered financially. Though Sreepada Swami blessed him, his karma of not being financially capable  continued when he took birth as Baskara Sharma.Here, we are unaware of the reason why he had to suffer for money in both his births.

All of us have to carry the karma we did form our previous births and face it.We can not escape! Surrendering to Guru and trusting Him will give us strength and will power to accept and proceed with confidence.

If we come to previous birth of Anjaneya Sharma, as mentioned in Sreepada leelavaibhavam:

He had done many bad deeds in one of his previous birth.He tortured a Brahmin family to hell.He made sure that the family is boycotted from the  Brahmin community.He was not ready to obey even the elders of the community who tried to solve the issue. All the pain,suffering and insults given by Anjaneya Sharma to the Brahmin family was the karma he created for his upcoming births..We can read all this in Sreepada Leelavaibhavam written by SRI SRI SRI VITTAL BABAJI.

The karma he created for himself had to suffered and faced by him!He also had to undergo insults and was in sorrow.He lost his father and had to live a miserable life.He had to face people calling him a dull headed and his mother was working hard to make both ends meet.
Finally, not able to tolerate all the suffering,they decide to end their life. Sreepada Swami blesses him with knowledge and wisdom and makes him a pious wise scholar.Makes him learn all the Vedas by His grace just by His touch.Later, Anjaneya Sharma leads a very good and pure life.

When Sreepada Swami takes avataram as Narashima Saraswathi Anjaneya Sharma takes birth as Nandi Sharma.Even in this birth he will be born as a dull headed child, faces many insults for many years.
Later, he takes darshan of Sri Gurudu, involves himself completely in Guru Seva and attains liberation.

From all these incidents we understand that no one can escape from one's own Karma that is being carry forwarded since many births. Sadhguru darshanam, sparshanam, sambasham will give us strength to face the bad part of our karma.And, when we are facing the good part of Karma always be grateful to Him not taking pride.With His grace we will get the courage, inner strength to prepare ourselves to face challenges.

Each one of us are born with our own Karma that we have to face. 
Some may not be blessed with children, some have no stable job, misunderstandings between couples, if there is understanding, there will be problem with kids.

Every family and each person is facing their own challenges  in life and there is a reason behind all of us suffering.We should realize and recognize  that, we are facing all the sufferings that we are carrying with us. Not thinking over and over it is  best to completely leave it to our Guru and ask Him to be with us and give us strength.Let us ask Him to  take our responsibility and guide us in the correct way,

Recollecting His stories and His leelas will give us strength, will-power and confidence that, we can overcome any trouble.It is always good for us to change our thoughts in this direction. 

DattaKutumbam Youtube channel : 
Everyday living youtube channel :

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Stay healthy and Be Happy

Health is Wealth : We all need our health other wise we cant survive this life. We CAN survive if we do not have good education, career, happy family life , Financial help but when our health is gone then......We are totally helpless and CAN NOT survive....Hence health is wealth. 
Below tips help to divert our negative thoughts 
1) Try to accept the truth 
2) Try to do what best you can do to ur family by not getting stress nor by not giving stress to the family members 
3) Stay in Sadhgurus thoughts, dhyanam all the time eventually you stop worry about those things which are not under your control. 

 Health tips that worked for me : 
1) Try to soak Methi in water night before and drink that water early in the morning and i usually refill the same cup for at-least half day until methi seeds loose its strong ness.  

2) Squeeze lemon (yellow color) into big bottle of water and cut the squeezed lemons into cubes and put them in the water bottle and use that water through out the day. (Shared by my nurse from health insurance program) which works absolute help. If anyone is in need of more tips please let me know ill be happy to share and help others all the time. This will help us stay hydrated all the time and it will also help us to loose weight by eating the right amount of food we need for our everyday living. 

3) Try not to skip Break fast at any cost. 

4) 30 minutes of everyday exercise 

5) Plan meals with less quantity of rice ( Quinoa, Cracked wheat, Oats etc foods)