Chapter 48 Summary:
After Swami Sutha leaving his physical body, how Swami Sutha's 8 year old brother was given the responsibility of leading Swami Sutha's mutt, how Swami Himself took interest in all the rituals to be done for the same, Swami's preaching to the 8 year old kid can be read from this chapter.
Chapter 49 Summary:
In this chapter Sri Sri Sri Vittal Babaji narrated very beautifully, about Lord Dattatreya tatvam ( nature) and about Datta culture (sampradayamu).
Chapter 50 Summary:
Devotees and disciples are of different different nature.
How reading stories of devotees and disciples with different nature make us understand where we are going wrong and how we get a chance to correct ourselves has been narrated by Sri Sri Sri Vittal Babaji.
Chapter 51 Summary:
Swami Samartha Maha Samadhi details have been narrated here.
Chapter 52 Summary:
Parayana of Swami Samartha Charitra with faith and devotion will make us free from any kind of sin that we committed.Last rituals of Swami Samartha and details of His Maha Samadhi has been narrated in this chapter as well.
Chapter 53 Summary:
In this chapter we can read how Swami Samartha even after His MahaSamadhi answered and guided His devotees. Few leelas that Swami showed after His Maha Samadhi and how Swami after His Maha Samadhi gave darshan in physical form to His important and true devotees can also be read.
How He advised and hinted many of His devotees after His Maha Samdhi to have darshan of Shiridi Sai Baba and take His blessings as He and Sai Baba are no different can also be read.
Chapter 54 Summary:
Sri Sri Sri Vittal Babaji very beautifully, for our Convience summarized all the chapters and few important leelas from Chapters 1 to 53 in this chapter.
🌺Om Sri Sairama Gurudeva Datta🌺