Monday, October 10, 2016

Guruji and Shankar maharaj Cigarette Leelas

Jaigurudatta !!

2011 Year September 11th i went to Vallabhapuram along with  some of our Vittal babaji devotees ....While we were going to Vallabhapuram..... Baba devotees started sharing their experiences with each other ....& I kept quiet and i was interested to  listen to all their beautiful experiences. At that time i heard from one devotee that Sometimes  they will feel Sri Vittal Babaji presence in their house. Then I asked her :: Aunty how do you feel babaji presence ?? can you please be more clear ?

Then Aunty shared with me ::  when ever her health or things are not going good in the house .... then her house will be filled with Smoke smell (Cigar smell ) as we all know Sri Vittal Babaji used to smoke in-order to remove his devotees karma's .  Its nothing but Baba is assuring his devotee he is with them and they don't need to worry about anything. Babaji will take care of everything.

In the same way same kind of experience i read from Sri Shankar Maharaj Book.
One day..... Sri Shankar Maharaj devotee was writing her experiences with Sri Shankar maharaj   .....At that time her house was filled with Cigar / Smoke smell. Which is nothing but Sri Shankar Maharaj was with that devotee during that particular time.
(( Sri Shankar Maharaj used to smoke too )).

In my life there are 2 incidents :: Once when i finished my Telephone conversation with Sri Vittal Babaji  when he was physically present with all of us. After my conversation i went to pick up my child from her daycare ....Right after i came back to house and opened my main door .... Strong smoke smell was coming all over my house specially in my Living Room.
Then...... i checked all my windows.... Just in case if i had opened any windows by mistake .....But Not a single window was open and No one was smoking near my house.

Then immediately i recollected Baba devotees words and felt sooooo very happy that Sri Vittal Babaji came to my house.

Second time:: When my friend ( she is a yoga teacher ) who was always interested to know about our Babaji .... & We both sat in my prayer room and after a little while i told her take some quiet time to pray to babaji ..... Mean while ill go & prepare some tea for both of us. That's It ::: By the time i came back to my prayer room holding Tea cups in my hand .... I started feeling Smoke cell all over the prayer room. This time It was only in the prayer room & When i came to check it in the Living room .... Living room seem to be normal. Then i sensed as we did Satsangam .....
May be Babaji  is giving his blessings to both of us & assuring us he is with us !!!.

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

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