Monday, October 10, 2016

OmkaranathaBhasme devotee

Jaigurudatta !!.

From Sri Shankar Maharaj Book ::
 A devotee called "Onkara nadha Bhasme" he used to carry Sri Shankar Maharaj on his shoulders ...One day when he was carrying  Sri Shankar Maharaj on his shoulders and taking him to Tuljapur ...... All of sudden Shri Shankar Maharaj kept his feet on his devotee (Onkara Nadha Bhasme) head. Swami's  feet got imprinted on the devotees head forever.

After i read this story from Sri Shankar maharaj book:: It made me to recollect One of my experience with Sri Vittal babaji.
The time we were in Vallabhapuram :: 2008 Year Gurupournima Celebrations....
The day we attended Gurupournima celebrations ...The same day evening while babaji was smoking we both (me and my husband ) went close to baba and sat beside to him. Then Sri Vittal Babaji mentioned the mistake i had done during Padapooja time. Immediately i started giving some explanation to baba....But .... Vittal babaji told me::
Sree datta you have been repeating the same mistake even after  i told you not to do it.
And also baba told me :: Sree Datta ...భగవంతుని మీద రొజు ఒక పువ్వు పెట్టగానె సరిపొదు ఇవ్వన్ని కుడా నెరుచుకొవాలి.

At that moment i stopped giving explanation but still i was not able to understand what mistake i was repeating?? and I was in a impression why Vittal babaji is not able to understand my feelings??.

The moment i thought why baba is not understanding
 my feelings  ??? Immediately baba kept the same cigar he was smoking on my fore-head just for a second. I screamed a little saying :: Baba !!! Its painful baba !!.
Then baba asked me :: Do you feel the pain now??
I said :: Yes baba !! It is painful.
after a little while i was able to understand what babaji was trying to tell me and what mistake i had repeated over and over in-front of Sri Vittal babaji. Right after i read the story from
 Sri Shankar Maharaj .... Immediately i went and looked  in the mirror and I Still have the mark where Sri Vittal babaji kept his cigar on my fore head. I felt i am blessed to have that sweet memory with me forever.

The Amazing part here is :: The next day my parents and my husband everyone asked me what happened to you on your
 fore-head....But i did not share this experience with any one till today. && Without applying any cream or any other medicine .....after few days the pain and everything gone by itself.

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

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