Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Reason for sharing my experiences !!!

Today i would like to answer a question been asked from some of our family members ::
1) Why do i share all my experiences with all our Dattaswami Family members ??
 Answer :: Yes, I always share my experiences so that it will boost all our family members devotion too towards guru and towards lord Dattatreya swami & they will get to know about Sri Vallabhapuram & Sri Kurvapuram Dattakshetram & its importance. &&
Not to loose faith in god/ guru & not to loose hope in our lives no matter what kind of situations we are in today but it is not going to be permanent in our lives. Sure some good days & good times are going to come in every one's lives and may be good days & good time is waiting for us.

Today how my family is happy and healthy with the grace of
Sri Vittal babaji ....& it did not happened over night we really had great ups & downs in our lives but again there is nothing can be impossible in this world if we have our Guru's grace upon us. &  Some times we needed to accept the things which comes into our lives with our past lives Karma's. .... &
  Guru can help us by giving great strength to stand and fight with all the struggles. && So.... The way how Sri Vittal babaji showed me / Introduced me to such good sweet person's in my life & from them i learned so much in so many aspects in my life. Surprising part here is i never went out to make any friends ever since i came to U.S.A & with the grace of Guruji i always used to have at-least one very good friend with me all the time. In the same way....
I really got impressed by meeting such good kind heart people in my life. And in the same way i wanted to be there for some one who are in need of something & if i can help them in any way !!!.

Today when i hear from some of our family members that i was there for them in 'x', 'y' , 'z' situations or the posts from swami page are very helpful to them .......I feel very happy & I will always thank Sri Vittal babaji for giving me such good chance to create a new good karma for myself.

I  wish all my posts will boost all our family members to do some thing kind to some one who are in need of something ....It does not have to be helping some one with money....It could be good moral support, it could be talking to some one with kind words when they are going through so much pain in their lives & giving or spending our time for them when they need us. && Keeping our ego's aside and being friendly with everyone.

Tomorrow i will share how many ways baba made me meet some good friends here & the way they were there for me when i was really in need of some genuine help. I always believe its pure guru's grace upon his child.

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva datta.

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