Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Try to understand how Karma plays a role in our lives

From Above stories :: 
If we relate each one of our lives with Amibka mata and Anjaneya Sharma Lives..We understand that each person we meet or met and all our mother, father, husband, brother sister, wife, children are because of our karma..

The king's second wife  had to suffer as Ambika Mata in her upcoming lives with a dull headed child and she was always concerned about her son's future..same as the queen(first wife) was worried about her child's future, beyond that the child was having sever boils on his body ( As the 2nd queen poisoned her).It is mentioned in Sreepada Sreevallabha Leelavaibhavam Book that the King himself was born as Ambika mata's husband to face his part of karma as he got into the words of the 2nd wife without analyzing the truth.Though he was ignorant, mistake done with knowledge or without knowledge is punishable. Same applies with law of Karma..we have to face our part of karma either good or bad whether we do it knowingly or unknowingly. And we have to face it with Completely surrounding ourselves to God/Guru.As our bad karma starts reducing God will show us the righteous path and good things start happening to us, till then we have to steadily hold His feet no matter what.

Anjaneya Sharma also insulted the Brahmin family so he had to suffer lack of wisdom and face insults. So, to face his part of karma he was born to Ambika mata.

Some times we may think why all this happens in our life?

We never know what Karma we have brought with us from our previous births along with us(soul) and What karmic equation we have with the other members of the family..According to its own karma the soul chooses a family where it has to take birth in the human form and the family members  receive  happiness or sorrow from the new born as per their karma...
The same applies to whom ever we meet in our life and each  and every relationships as well.

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

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