Thursday, December 20, 2018

Dattajayanthi 2018 time Leela at Datta Nilayam

The Divine shows His presence in any or the other form and makes us realize that all our sincere prayers will be answered by Him.The same happened to me on 17th December and I am very happy and feeling blessed to share with you all, only with an intention that this leela of Swami which He showed may help or be an answer to any one of the Datta sisters reading this.

  I wanted to listen to Swami Samartha leelamrutam without giving it a miss daily. But, I was completely occupied attending my younger child Vallabha's needs on 17th and I did not get a chance to listen. Though it is my daily routine, that day somehow he needed my attention more.I decided I would start listening ones Vallabha goes to sleep and by the time he slept  my elder child returned from school. Also, when my husband checked the mailbox, there were a bundle of mails that we received and started segregating them.No sooner I finished this work it was time for  Sri Krupa's swimming class. I was just thinking will I be able to complete listening to 'Swami Samratha leelamruthamu' ? I was talking to Guruji Sri Vittal Babaji, " Baba.. I am not even able to listen to swami Samartha Maharaj leelamrutam and I am also not sure how far I will be able to celebrate Datta Jayanthi this time.Only if You give me a chance and with Your support I will be able to do somethinh.As You know how much I am occupied with all the household things how much ever I plan I am not able to give time to You ". All these I was talking to Guruji Sri Vittal Babaji was going on in my mind. Mean while,my daughter went upstairs to get ready for her swim lessons. As it was a busy day, we were almost getting late for her swimming class and I rushed up too, to wake up Vallabha from sleep. I just climbed up few steps and I had sensed beautiful fragrance all of a sudden.As you all know my pooja room is upstairs, I was thinking it could be traces of previous day's incense sticks fragrance. As I was in a hurry to leave I just did not concentrate much. But, the fragrance was very much strong and a very sweet smell.

Here I would like to mention that usually I sense fragrance once in while may be  in the  gap of 2-3 months between 4 pm -4:30 pm time frame. But, this smell was really very special from the Pooja room where I arranged Lord Krishna and Lord Hanuman Moorthys. I just stopped by and offered a namskaram to Guruji.I was very ignorant at that point and started thinking as now a days I am using more incense sticks at home it is obvious that the room will smell pleasant.Also, my busy schedule with kids and house responsibilities did not allow me to think beyond this.My day and night  passed busy without my knowledge and I did not think anything much about the beautiful and special smell that I sensed.

 As 18th was Vikunta Ekadasi  I went into the Pooja room to lit Diya and offer Prasadam to Swami.I then observed there was no fragrance at all in the room! As I was using incense regularly at least the trace of the fragrance would be light in the room.But, I had not sensed anything like that. Then I realized Guruji was present in the Pooja room yesterday at that time, that is the reason for the beautiful fragrance! As I was very busy the previous day I did not focus much. I was very happy, as Datta Jayanthi is nearing Swami showed His presence in my(His) home. Also, my mind was occupied with thoughts and I was confused.I was continuously questioning Him that I am not able to do anything for Him and not able to give time for the Divine."Swami, I know it my pratama dharama to attend my kids first and complete all my chores..but is it also not equally important to be engaged in your work? Neither I am able to listen to your Charitra nor am I able to do your namasmara sometime by doing all my chores as kids keep questioning all the time and especially when I start Your work they demand more attention from me. What is all this Swami.Please say something.What do I do?Will you like if I leave all the work an start praying to you Baba..I feel it is wrong Baba. "This was how I was putting pressure on Him.So,

He gave me an answer in His own way by showing His presence at home and telling me nothing to worry..attend to your duties first.Though this is known to me, I was some how confused as I was not at all getting time for Swami..I just wanted some assurance from Him.He gave me His answer.  I wanted to share this  leela of Guruji with you all which really made me very happy and satisfied.So, if anyone of you are genuinely stuck with some important work please do not worry Sadhguru will shower His blessings!    Smartrgami- It means ‘He who appears instantly as soon as He is thought of’. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Chapter - 24 from Sripada Leelavaibhavam

In chapter 24 an eye opener leela of Sripada Swami has been narrated.After reading this chapter from  'Sripada Srivallabha Leelavaibhavam', we can understand that Guru protects His devotees like an eyelid protecting the eye.
As Sripada Swami assured He was and is protecting His genuine devotees even after His avatara samapthi in His subtle form. This was a leela which happened in Vallabesha's life who was an ardent devotee of Swami.
  Here I am sharing only a small part of the leela: 
  When Sripada Swami was in His physical form, Vallabesha visited Swami for His blessings.At that time Sripada Swami  gets Vallabesha married to a girl of Swami's choice and gave them a word that, His protection and blessings were always with the couple.
 Few years later, not knowing that Swami left His physical form, Vallabesha plans a trip to visit Swami to take His blessings.He was very much devoted and surrendered himself to Swami in an extent that, he never stopped namasmarana. As read in Chapter 21, that, how  constantly one should repeat God/Guru's name, in spite of our busy schedule, similarly, Vallabesha had developed a habit of repeating the sloka "Digambara....Digambara....Sreepada Vallabha Digambara..." wholeheartedly what ever he did and where ever he was.
On the day of his travel also he was doing the same on his way.Unfortunately, few dacoits attack and kill him. Vallabesha took his last breathe by repeating the sloka which he always did.Rather we can say chanting Digambara.. Digambara.. Sripdada Vallabesha Digambara was always there in his breathe!No sooner Vallabesha left His body repeating Swami's name, Swami appears and kills the dacoits with His trident.It was as if he called out for Swami in his last breathe!
  Why would not the Supreme power come for the sake of His genuine devotees!Here Swami Himself gave Vallabesha a word when He was in His physical form that His protection and blessings are always with him.Then, why wouldn't He not come! So, not only killing the dacoits but Swami brought back Vallabesha to life!
There are two things importantly we should learn from this incident:
. Vallabesha's immense love and surrender towards his Guru and his constant namasamrana.
. Guru's word is God's word.What is that one can not achieve when they have Sadhguru's blessings and protection.What can stop us if Guru Himself says, " I am always with you, protecting you".
  Only thing a  devotee should have is faith, confidence and trust in His Guru.When Guru Himself says that He is with us all the time then we need not worry about anything or any situation. As, He will show us a way to come out of it  or give us strength to face the situation.We should do our duty/dharma with full trust in our Guru, with righteous thoughts and not worry about anything and, if He gives a word, He will protect us like an eyelid. Vallabesha's story is a best example for all of us and  will make us understand this ultimate truth that there is nothing to fear about when we have Guru's protection and  if His blessing hand is upon us.
 This was a very beautiful leela showed by Swami after He left His physical form.In order to know about this leela  in detail and the place where this leela took place, please read chapter 24 from the divine book and Stay Blessed!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Chapter 23 from Sripada Leelavaibhavam

 I personally request everyone to read 'Sreepada Sreevallabha Leelavaibhavam' as I have tried my level best to cover few main points and Sripada Swami's last message to mankind before His avatar Samapathi declaration - from chapter 23. I do not want anyone of you to miss the opportunity of reading this divine book, where Sreepada Swami had given His beautiful message and important guidelines for all of us.

 In this chapter Sripada Swami's last days of His avatar Samapthi and His final speech have been narrated.Few points I will mention here as per my understanding level :

 . Sripada Swami gives assurance that whoever talks His name with devotion and faith all their desires will be fulfilled and He will remain there in His subtle form.This is the ultimate truth.

. Time will not wait for anyone.

. He says, " I will accept any smallest thing offered by you with love, devotion and faith. Even if you offer valuable things without love, devotion and faith will not be accepted by Me".

. Along with devotion one should have patience, dedication and faith and while offering to Him  they should have the feeling that,  "What is yours I offer to you, nothing is mine!"

One again I request all of you to read the amazing book and experience the Divine. Sripada Swami had also narrated about Vallabhapuram importance and Kuravapura Kshetram in this chapter.

Chapter - 22 From Sripada Leelavaibhavam

Sripada Swami in this chapter tells the qualities a true and genuine disciple should have and improve oneself in order not to have any obstructions in their spiritual path.

. A disciple should keep himself away from praises and felicitations.As praises and sarcasm go hand in hand.He should understand this truth and stay calm in any situation.

. If he keeps himself away from laziness, jealousy, hatred..he will improve in virtuous qualities like mercy, forgiveness, patience which will help him to improve and attain success in the spiritual path within no time.

. He should not have any kind of attachments for  his spiritual growth.Being detached will help him to become a good sadaka.

. He should never talk behind someone's back  and never engage himself in these kind of conversations.

. If a fellow disciple criticizes him (another disciple), and boasts himself, one should be calm and have patience and should have an understanding along with immense belief that his Guru will take appropriate action when necessary.

. A disciple should never be jealous if his Guru shows His compassion towards other disciples.
. He should never judge and talk bad of others, especially he should never criticize the one who is in the spiritual path.
. He should always keep his promises.
. A disciple should always have his Guru in his thoughts and should mediate upon Him.

Along with above mentioned points Sripada swami explains more details in this chapter : how should be A true disciple should exercise and possess good qualities throughout his life.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Chapter 21 from Sripada Srivallabha Leelavaibhavam book

In this chapter 3 major points were told by Swamivaaru which are very useful for the present society and everyone of us have to follow for a better and happy world.

. Sripada Swami's protection for birds

. Hita bodha for man kind

. Save tree for our healthy life

 In this chapter Swami explains that we humans think what ever the nature is giving, is only for us.But, God has created this nature equally for all the living creatures on this Earth.In this chapter at that period of time Swami decides to protect birds and gives us some good order to know His message for man kind one has to read chapter 21 for sure. Swami also says God resides in  Marri, Raavi,  Medi, Vepa, Jammi, Maamidi, Neredu trees so, if in need of wood not to cut off these trees rather use the wood from Tummi chettu.

One more important point Swami covers in this Chapter and which now a days all of us want desperately  is how to control manasu(mind). We should not be in control of our mind in stead we should try to keep it busy by assigning it  some or the other thought.Here thought means Satsang, reading or listening to saints and devotees stories,meditation, positive thinking.Slowly mind will get used to this and it will stop making unnecessary thoughts and it will be freed from impurities.

Here Vittal Babaji gives use a beautiful tip on how to keep our mind busy in spite of our busy schedule.He illustrates an example that if we misplace a gold ornament, outwardly we may be occupied with our busy schedule but, inwardly we keep thinking, "Where could it be? Where could it be?" This is how we should keep our mind busy with continuous namasmarana by following  our daily activities without any break.

If we find the ornament we are very happy and if we do not find it, we are sad.This is not the case with namasmarana continuously taking God's name will yield to positive results only and we get closer and closer to God/Guru. Sripada Swami  explains the importance  and blessings we get out of namasamrana in this chapter.

Chapter 20 from Sripada Srivallabha Leelavaibhavam book

From this chapter we can read how Yogananda Brahmacahry Swami  gets Sripada Swami's darshan. What are the qualities of a Sadhguru and qualities a true disciple should have? How Guruji Veda Vysa's son Sri Shuka Maharshi on his visit to Vaikuntam  learns from dwarapalak's  that without Sadhguru blessings one cannot have darshan of Lord Maha Vishnu, and his journery in search of a Guru, importance of Guru in one's life and how he gets blessings of a Guru were narrated in this chapter.

My experience after reading Agnani story Part-3

My thoughts from Agyani's story and my experience.

      From the agyani's story there is an amazing moral for all of us.Many times we do not give importance to innocent people and never take them serious.But, God shows more love and compassion towards them as their heart is pure. In spite of many years of penance, the one whose darshan was impossible for great saints too, He Himself came down on this Earth for the innocent devotee ate food prepared by Him, worked for him, SriRama was very close to him  just like a family member, obeyed his orders.The relationship between God and devotee is barrier-less, if the devotee's heart is pure.Going to kashi is not that important but seeing the supreme energy residing in kashi is important which the Agayni could get.How much ever pooja we do, we can not get the blessings and grace of the Supreme Power by being selfish, egocentric and wicked.
 I also had and have a habit of making my daughter do any  one chore like loading dishwasher, putting back toys in place(choice was her's) at home before having her meal, it could either be before breakfast, before lunch or before dinner. I was a bit strict with her regarding this. Unless, she completed  chore  of her choice, she was not given a meal to eat. But, sometimes I felt bad thinking may be I am too strict with her as she is still young. Again, I used to counter myself saying- that's fine she should learn to be responsible from young age, along with studies they should learn to help mother at home as well.This confusion was always there in my mind- Am I doing right or wrong?  The same question I also used to put before Sri Vittal Babaji..please answer me Baba- Am I doing anything wrong?Am I hurting her feelings? Am I too strict will my little child?I am feeling guilty Baba plese help me. And all this was 1 year before I read Ramadas  Vijayam book.When I read this chapter from Ramadas Vijayam, I was very very happy and Thanked Baba million times for answering me. Ramadas Swami also had imposed the same rule in His ashram that before having meal the disciples in the ashram had to complete some or the other chore! And even the Agyani out of innocence asked Sri Rama to work or do some seva before having His meal.
 The day I read this chapter all my confusion and guilty feeling had gone and I was happy that I was doing the right thing with my child.

Agnani story part- 2

Agyani very quickly makes all the arrangements for all the four to have food and serves them with devotion.
SitaRama Lakshman Hanuma have food served by him.Agyani requests Lord Rama to accept food daily from him by coming to the ashram till his Guruji returns from Kashi yatra.All four agree and leave.Few days pass like this and agyani's closeness towards Rama increases.With this closeness he asks Rama, " Swami, everyday you are having food in our ashram right?Ramadas Swami had made a rule in our ashram that before having our daily meal we have to do some seva/work big or small.All of us in the ashram follow this rule.We do some seva and then only we are allowed to take our meal.Everyday you are having meals in the ashram. Rama, are you doing any work/seva here?" Listening to this Lakshman moorthy becomes furious.Rama signals Him to have control our Himself.

Rama asks agyani, " Okay dear!, Tell me what work shall we do?" He replied very tiredly, " I am daily doing all the ashram work single handedly which is becoming a burden to me.Hanuman is very strong He can fetch water, Lakshman moorthy can bring wood from forest, Sita mata can cook. As she is very sensitive I am not giving her any hard work.I am performing abhishekam.Rama it is so nice if we distribute our work.Do you agree Rama?" Lord Rama replies, " Sure! Everything will be done as per your wish dear".
From the next day onwards, all completed their assigned work and then used to have their meal.One day agyani makes kheer offers it as prasadam to the Devatha moorthy's and all of a sudden starts weeping.Seeing him in this condition Lord SriRama asks him what the problem was.He tells SriRama that his Guru liked kheer very much and that he is not able to share with his Guru.

Rams says, "Why  do you worry dear, you can go and give your Guru his favourite kheer right now".He instructs Hanuman to take agyani to his Guru Ramadas and share kheer with Him.

Hanuman carries him on his shoulders and takes him to Kashi within no time.Hanuman tells agyani to give prasadam to his Guru and return back quickly and also tells him not to reveal that he was here with Hanuman.Agyani agrees and rushes to his Guru happily calling out loudly, " Guruji!..Guruji.!."

Ramadas Swami is awestruck to see him.He asks him why did he come to kashi  leaving lord Rama's seva!He says to him that they just reached Kashi after 1 months travel by walk.He feels hurt that none was there to take care of SriRama in the ashram seeing agyani in kashi.
Swami questions him, " How did you come here and when did you come here?" Not knowing what to do he reveals the truth that he was here with Hanuman to give Him(Ramadas Swami) His favourite dish kheer and that Hanuman is hiding behind a tree.

Ramadas Swami quickly goes to greet Hanuman and asks Him, " Swami, all the way to came here. Did my disciple trouble you?"

Then Hanuman tells Ramadas Swami to return to ashram as soon as possible and that His disciple is making all of them do a hell of work.So saying Hanuma carriers back agyani to the ashram.

This is how for nearly 1 month agyani was blessed to spend quality time with SitaRama Lakshman and Hanuman.This is an amazing leela.
Usually, we insult or look down on people who are innocent.God showers His grace immensely on such innocent one's.

The disciples of the ashram with a selfish thought wanted agyani to stay back as they knew that he never said 'no' to anyone.They could only visit kashi.But, for this innocent man SriRama Himself came along with His family to stay with him in the ashram and they obeyed to what all agyani said.What a blessing indeed!!

God will definitely come to one's rescue if one has a pure heart with pure thoughts and pure actions.Our love should be selfless and unconditional.

Agnani story Part- 1

This is another amazing story from Samartha Ramadas Vijayam book which will make us realize that God /Guru accepts true devotion.We will learn that we should never  humiliate innocent people and take advantage of their innocence.

 One day all the disciples in Ramadas Swami ashram requested Swami to accompany Him on their pilgrimage to Kashi. Those days people would go by walk to visit any holy places as there was no transportation. Ramadas Swami does not agree to accompany because, if He accompanies them, there would be none to take care of  Lord Ramachandra Moorthy's abhishekam, offering prasadam to the Lord in the ashram.He rejected saying, it would take nearly 1 month to reach Kashi and return journey would again take 1 month and asks them to carry on and He is happy to stay back and render His seva to Lord Sri Rama.

Disciples request Swami again to accompany them as they would be blessed and happy if He does so.Swami says, "Okay, if any one among you is ready to stay back  and take the responsibility of Lord Rama's abhishekam and prasadam offering daily, I am ready to come". Swami asks them to decide among themselves and give Him the name.All disciples fall in a dilemma now, as everyone wanted to visit kashi.

Finally, they remember of a disciple in the ashram who is very innocent and unwise.They decide, as he is unwise and Swami also calls him agyani, he would be the right person to stay back as he is unfit to come on a pilgrimage.They all, together, try to convince agyani  to stay back and take the responsibility of Lord Rama's abhishekam and offer prasadam to Him daily and be blessed doing Rama's seva as they wanted to go a pilgrimage to Kashi along with Guruji. The disciples were aware that he was a very innocent man who agrees to everything and hardly says 'NO' to anyone.The man quickly and happily agreed to stay back and take care of SriRama.

   The disciples rushed to Swami to give the name of the person who would be staying back. Ramadas Swami asks, "Whom did to choose to stay in the ashram?" All the disciples reply that Agyani agreed to stay back and their choice is agyani. Swami says."Oh! You chose Agyani to stay back!" Ramadas Swami very well knew of everyone's intentions.Before leaving to Kashi Swami tells  Agyani  to be in Lord Rama's seva  by performing  Rama's abhishekam and giving Him prasadam daily without fail and  also tells him to take of himself as he would be staying all alone in the ashram. Agyani very humbly listens  to Swami and agrees to follow whatever Swami has instructed him to do.Swami again says to Agyani ,"Do take care of SriRama and I am leaving to kashi trusting you completely, that you will never miss His seva." So saying all of them left to kashi.

   Agyani the next day does all the work in the ashram like cleaning the ashram premises, getting wood from the forest for cooking etc., single- handedly as instructed by His Guru.He also performs Abhishekam to Lord Sri Rama with devotion and offers Him prasadam and closes the temple door.After a while he opens the door and sees that Lord Rama has not eaten the prasadam. He thinks with innocence, "Why has Rama not accepted my food?He eats if my Guru offers daily.But, why has He not eaten food prepared by me?" He stand before Rama's idol and starts talking to Him ,"Rama please eat food prepared by me.Daily you accept from my Guruji. My Guru has told to take care of you and be at your service.Please Rama, you have to eat, please".This was the reason why Ramadas Swami also called the man agyani as he did not know anything such was his innocence.

He thinks, In spite of his repeated requesting SriRama  is not eating food.He starts banging his head at Lord Rama's feet saying, "Please accept my food Rama, my Guru will feel bad and hurt if there is any flaw in my have accepted when my Guru offered please do the same now as well, please".He keeps banging his head.Lord Rama's feet were  completely covered with agyani's blood.Seeing all this Rama speaks with him from the idol, "Does God idol eat prasadam?" Agyani immediately replies, " Haa..then, does God idol talk?"This reply of agyani and innocence of his makes Rama laugh.Agyani again says, " Now that you spoke who have eat as well!" Looking at his pure heart and innocence Rama appears before him along with Sita mata, Lakshman moorthy and Lord Hanuman.Rama with His motherly love touch  agyani's wonded head which heals immediately.

Monday, December 3, 2018

What is true ?

My true feelings about modern society

Not sure who is in need of this message or share but thought to share my thoughts in this platform. 
What I realized in my life is offering prayers to God is easy than being kind, patient, following virtues like not hurting anyone through thought word or actions. Especially taking care of young children / old people/ handicapped people is the most difficult task. 

Every day or in a year we go through different kinds of experiences with different people and different situations. Sometimes no matter how good we may be at our heart things doesn't work with people eventually that gives us sorrow - What we see with our eyes in this present world is not the truth &  When we realize the truth we can only experience it and try to focus our thoughts towards the truth. 

I always see people who pray God as per their requirements and time and need. But I rarely see very very few people who really love Sadhguru or God with pure love and mind selfless and unconditional. Why is it so ? Some people are confused between traditional life and modern life - Sorry to say but some act like as if they do not know traditions b/c they are modern but I see them praying God as per their requirements. Following the traditions as per their convenience -- Why?

God doesn't know all this ? Drama. 

Why can't a person be truthful to themselves? Is it that hard?? Why can't our words  & actions match? Is it not possible  ?? 

For all those questions I received an answer from my inner heart-  Since the majority is like that 
If we try our best to follow virtues 
Leave our EGO. Become a better person every day inspite of present world distractions then.....Its very easy to reach God. Easy to win our Sadhgurus heart. In fact due to the present world and present people if we think little different than them and do our best then it's very easy to go close to God. Let's leave our EGO. LETS FOLLOW VIRTUES. LETS pray every person should realize the truth and focus our thoughts towards reaching it and following it in our lives.

Om Sri Sai Ram Guru Deva Datta.

Hanuman Jayanthi

Below is 2018 yr Hanuman Jayanthi info
Very happy to share : with Sadhgurus grace successfully finished 16th week Panleaves Garland to Lord Hanuma by this Hanuman Jayanthi. Yesterday morning my husband called all the Indian stores to check about Panleaves but there was no luck. But they said there is a store 40 minutes away from my place might have Panleaves then he called them and requested to keep some leaves aside for my family ....&& then he left immediately to get them. It's nothing but pure Sadhgurus grace Sri Rama & Hanumath paripoorna Krupa kataksham. It's for sure Sadhguru made my husband to get it for me inorder to finish 16th week  on auspicious event Hanumath Jayanti. Successfully with Sadhgurus grace all day yesterday I was listening to Sri Ramayanam....followed by made Prasadam to the temple event, Garland, and attended total event lord Hanuma abhishekam, akupooja....No words !!!! Its complete Sadhgurus 
grace !!!.
After they offered Panleaves Garland to Lord Hanuma I thought I'll come tomorrow morning to collect that Garland to put it on my entrance door. But due to Vadamala....and other things after a while they took Panleaves Garlands from Hanuma and kept them at his lotus feet. Then after the event I requested the priest to give me that Garland as lord blessings so that I can put it on my entrance door then he gave me. I got it home with extreme happiness and put it on ...its my habit to put Garlands that I offer to Guruji on any event the next day I'll take those flowers close to my eyes and then I smell those flowers as accepting bhagvan blessings and then I'll put it on my entrance door.( once I heard Sri Shiva Sai Babaji telling that ...since then I always follow ). Everyone stay blessed by being in good path inspite of any materialistic challenges then we receive Sadhguru krupa upon us and upon all our family members. 
Om Sri SaiRamGuruDeva Datta.

Ramanavami 2018

As i mentioned about Rama namam...with Sadhguru's grace my daughter finished writing Rama namam 2018 yr Rama navami time 10 days without fail. .  à°¦ీà°ªం పది à°—ంà°¡ాలను à°¬ాà°ªుà°¤ుంà°¦ి". 

Below is my 2018 yr Ramanavami celebration info.

Before my second baby born  I used to light lamp without fail everyday morning and evening but now as he is very little I'm not able to do much except nirantara NamaSmarana. But for festivals if Sadhguru gives me supporting environments then for sure I'll follow everything. Like I clean my front porch keep all flip-flops, shoes inside in coat rack will sweep, mop with water, then festival day I'll keep 2 deepam on 2 corners of the entrance door that is nothing but we are inviting Goddess Lakshmi into our home. Also I'll keep deepam...every where I arranged Divine pictures and idols in the house. I personally feel that will invite positive energy in to our Sweet home. Even inside the house I sweep and keep it clean during festivals most importantly The Gas Stove area. That's where again Goddesses will be present. Today I'm feeling blessed Sadhguru gave me a chance to celebrate the event the way I wanted it to be and gave me an opportunity to make Prasadam to take it to the Temple also gave me an opportunity to attend Divine Sita Rama Kalyanam total event with all family members. B/c no matter how many times I want to take Prasadam to the temple it won't happen that easy due to kids, and other responsibilities. Stay blessed everyone. 

Sadhguru Visit 2018 yr

I am overjoyed to have Sadhguru darshan in 2018 year.

Several Divine events

Satyanarayana swami vratam 2018
18 weeks Lalitha Sahasra namam chanting  2018 yr
Sadhguru Jayanthi 2018
Nrusimha Jayanthi 2018 after listening to Sampoorna Ramayanam. 

16 weeks offered Garlands to Hanumanji

Offering Panleavs Garland and Vada mala to Hanumanji certainly gives peace in our lives. Always offer prayers to God without any materialistic wishes and with pure love.

November month Hanuman chalisa 2018

With Sadhgurus grace started chanting Hanuman chalisa once in every month from June 2018. Since by November we completed 6 months without any break we chanted 11 times and offered our love to our beloved Sadhguru and Hanumanji. 

Pournima 2018

During auspicious days and festival times divine vibrations will reach the earth. Hence its advisable to offer our prayers to Sadhguru and get his blessings.
Om Sri Sai Ram

Ramadasa swami bhikshtana lela - 2.

SadhGuru's words will never go wrong                               

As usual one day, Ramadas Swami goes out to take Biksha. His way of asking for  Biksha is chanting Lord Rama's name  aloud.One fine day he chooses a house to take Biksha, stands before that house and starts chanting Lord Rama's name aloud.None respond from the house! Swami doesn't stop here, He continuously chants Rama's name with a higher voice as, He Knew there is somebody at home but not ready to attend Him.What can be hidden from a Guru after all!

 Finally, the women of the house annoyed with Swami comes out with frustration and says to Swami with a irritated tone, " We are no more doing any rituals. We have stopped doing all pooja and deity worship  as well.You may leave now". Swami asks her what was troubling her and what her problem was. But, she refuses to answer Him and gets back inside the house. 

Ramadas Swami again starts chanting Rama's name with a very high pitch and non-stop.This time she was forced to offer biksha to Swami. She brings some raw rice, offers to Him as Biksha and talks to  Swami in anger,  " My husband had been imprisoned.We have no trust in God any more. What is the use of doing so many poojas, when the one who has to protect is watching everything in silence!"

Swami listens  to her and asks her, " Would you start believing in God and involve yourself in Pooja and other rituals again if your husband returned within 10 days?". She agrees happily as, what else would she want other than her husband's release.But, immediately she expresses a doubt with anger, 'How could this be possible?There is no chance for his freedom".Swami consoles her and tells her again that he would be set free within 10 days for sure and asks her to confirm that, on her husband's return will  she take Rama's name daily with faith  and devotion? She agrees  she would chant Rama's name with devotion if her husband is set free.Swami leaves that place chanting Lord Rama's name aloud.

To the lady's surprise her husband gets released exactly on the 10 day!There was no bound for her happiness!She completely trusts Ramadas Swami now and  developed unshaken faith and devotion towards Him.She waits for Swami's arrival daily for many days with faith.A Guru will definitely be forced to visit His devotee if He is called out with faith and patience. Ramadas Swami was pleased with her devotion and visits her house for biksha. With love  and devotion the couple invite Swami inside and cherish the divine moment.

Later part of her life, the lady surrenders herself to Guru and Guruseva till her last breath. 

Ramadasa swami leela during his Bhikshatam -1

We all know that Ramadas Swami used take Biksha daily.Today we will read amazing Leela of Swami during his Bikshaatana wich will increase our trust towards Guru.
 Swami saves a widow devotee's life and blesses her              
Ramadas Swami made His presence known to the households that He was there to take Biksha by calling out Lord Rama's name aloud, until the occupants of the house attended Him and offered Him Biksha. This was His daily routine of taking Biksha. One day Swami stands in front of a house and starts chanting lord Rama's name aloud to take Biksha. A small girl who was a widow comes out to offer biksha to Swami.On seeing the little girl, Swami's heart becomes very heavy and He thinks, " All of us have to face our karma someday and none  of us are exceptional, who ever it may be, they can't escape".Swami accepts biksha from her and it becomes a daily routine for Swami to take biksha from the little girl.As days pass she becomes a devotee of Swami.One fine day, she requests Swami to take her to the ashram along with Him and give her an opportunity to render seva to Him, as it is becoming difficult for her to live in the society.

He doesn't agree to this and tells her there was still time for her to join the ashram and if she comes along with Swami now, she will have to face humiliation.She obeys His words.As days pass, the society's ill treatment also increases day by day.Her parents were  fed up with the everybody'd humiliation and also they were fed up of their own child.They were not ready to take this kind of ill treatment towards them as well their child.They decided to kill her, by poisoning her.They give her poisoned food to eat and locked her up in the room.As the girl was unaware about the intention of her parents she partakes the food.As a result she immediately starts frothing with vomiting.She calls out  her parents for help, but they ignore her completely, show no mercy and relax themselves thinking a big trouble and misfortune of their life is coming to an end and leave the place immediately making sure that she will die for sure!

Guru will always come to the rescue of His devotee's when we surrender with faith. Ramadas Swami appears before her!The divine touch of Swami will bring her to normal state, and  Guru Shishya start talking to each other.After a while the girl pleads Swami, "Swami, please allow and bless me to stay in the ashram". Out of the long talk they had, the parents of the girl could only hear this. They wondered, how come a person nearing to death bed speak! They opened one of the window and when they looked into the room from the window to their surprise the girl was alive and having a conversation with Sadhguru Sri Ramadasa Swami then .....
 Swami Himself opens the door with the  girl, who was ready to leave with Swami. Ramadas Swami says to the girl, "You shall come with me".The parents of the girl try to stop Swami saying - He has no right to take their child any where.

He makes it clear to them that their daughter died when they gave poisoned  food to her and now it was His daughter whom He is taking with Him to the ashram.Since then the little girl spends the rest of her life in Guru seva with immense devotion and faith till her last breath.


Sunday, December 2, 2018

Eknath Maharaj- control of anger Part - 2.

In another instance, when Eknath Maharaj was coming out of the holy river after his bath, one of the villagers spits on Maharaj. Maharaj with a very quite and composed mind  and with a smile goes back for the holy dip again. Again the villager spits at Maharaj...again he goes back for the holy dip in the river for the third time.This keeps on repeating 108 times! The villager now feels guilty and seeing Maharaj's patience asks Maharaj, " Aren't you angry?". Maharaj replies, "I should thank you for what you have done.As I was blessed to take 108 dips in the holy river." In stead of getting angry Maharaj was thinking in a very positive way that he was fortunate to take 108 dips in the holy river.He never thought  he was getting late for his sadhana and daily pooja schedule.

The above incident from Maharaj's life makes us understand  people troubling us in our life are a blessing in disguise for us.Which will make us to be more patience or make us detached to materialistic things.It also makes us to understand things, look and think in a positive way.The more love we receive from people around us sometimes makes us bind to the materialistic world.

Reading and recollecting these stories will help us to control our anger and see things going around us in a positive way and accept them.

Eknath Maharaj - Control of anger Part -1.

Control of anger is the first step in the attempt of spiritual progress.Due to anger we have to face many unpleasant consequences.Anger  also triggers other emotions in us such as fear, jealousy, selfishness, disappointment, helplessness so on..
Today we will read a very valuable story from Swami Samartha Ramdas Vijayam book, which are incidents that took place in  great Saint Ekanath Maharaj's life.

 Nobody ever saw  Ekanath Maharaj angry and nothing could make him lose his temper.One fine day few people in the village decided to test his patience and make him angry.They thought, as he is very pious and devotional if any situation was created that would disturb his Pooja rituals he may be disturbed and loss his temper.They hired a man to do this work, and promised to pay him few expenses for his daughter's marriage if he succeeds in making Maharaj angry.The man being helpless, as he needed some finance for his daughter's marriage agrees to try and do his best.

  The man enters Ekanath Maharaj's pooja room with shoes, thinking that this act would definitely make him lose his temper.Seeing Maharaj not losing his temper, he decides to sit on his lap with shoes.Alas! Maharaj did not loss his temper, instead he calls out his wife saying, "See dear! Your son is here". The man now decides to sit in Maharaj's wife's lap, thinking this act will make Maharaj loss his temper and he will succeed in making him angry.But to his utter surprise she also treats him as his son.This makes him feel disappointed as he could not succeed in making Maharaj loss his temper, and starts crying as he lost a chance to get some help for his daughter's marriage.

 Maharaj asks him the reason for  sorrow and also what made him do this kind of act.The man narrates the whole incident. Maharaj listens to him, understands his situation and gives him more money than the villagers agreed to pay him if he succeeds in making Maharaj lose temper.Also, Maharaj comes up with a plan where in the man could also get paid from the villagers.

 Maharaj says that he would run behind the man as if he is mad on him..and he can tell the villagers that he succeeded in making Maharaj lose his temper.In this way he will have enough money for his daughter's marriage. Maharaj and the man act in the same way..the villagers are finally happy thinking they succeeded in making Maharaj lose his temper.The man with Maharaj's blessings could get enough help for his daughter's marriage.

Maharaj was happy and feeling blessed that he was blessed with an opportunity to help someone who was helpless.He neither thinks bad of the villagers nor the person who behaved bad with him.

A story of young boy Part -2

Next morning Swami takes bath, wakes up the boy and asks him to start his daily routine after bath. The boy says to Swami, "Anyhow I will die in some time why should I take bath?"Swami replies to the boy  saying there is still time for that incident to take place  and whatever might happen we must not leave or neglect our daily activities.Swami again cooks for the boy and asks him to eat food..again the boy says the same.. "Why should I? I will die anyway".Swami says to him what shall happen, shall happen but, we must not break our daily routine.

After  a while, Swami says to him last night he could not sleep because of the boy's continuous crying and also that he(boy) was sick he was blabbing the whole night.He says to boy  now that he is feeling a bit better,He wants to take some rest and goes to the nearby Hanuman temple and asks the boy to accompany Him and massage His legs.Swami sleeps near the Hanuman idol and the boy also sits there massaging his Guru's legs.As the boy was nearing to death the followers of Yama came and threw Yama noose (yama pasham) on the boy.But, how much ever they tried they fail to take the life of the boy.The boy was observing all this and feels happy as the noose is not able to harm him.And he laughs to his hearth and enjoys looking at what was happening.The Yama batulu threatened  the boy to come out..but the boy understands that the noose is not able to enter the main temple and holds on to His Guru's feet more strongly with faith and replies  them that he will not come out  .Not knowing what to do, they leave and inform Yamadharam Raja. Now it was his turn to loose!

While all this was happening Swami Ramdas was in a deep sleep and the boy did not leave His Guru's feet even for a second.But, he horoughly enjoyed by looking at what was happening.The followers of Yama and Yama both leave the place as  all their efforts of taking the boy's life did not succeed.The boy keeps on laughing.Mean while Swami wakes up from His sleep and asks him surprisingly he was weeping last night and how come  he is very happy and laughing now!He narrates the whole incident that happened while Swami was asleep.He says that he is no more scared as all the efforts of Yama and His followers did not succeed.Swami says to the boy to take biksha from the astrologer's house and asks him to tell confidently and bravely that he is still alive and is with his  Guru.

That evening very excited he boy stands in front of the astrologer's house and asks for biksha with more strong and powerful voice.The astrologer gets stunned by listening to the boy's voice and hastily comes out.He was in a great doubt as how could his prediction go wrong!How could the boy be alive!He asks the boy, "Are you still alive?How can my prediction go wrong?" The boy replies that he is alive, happy and healthy.The astrologer requests the boy to take him to His Guru Swami Samarha Ramdas. The boy introduces the astrologer to Swami.Swami then says to the astrologer, "Oh, so you are that great astrologer". The astrologer immediately asks for forgiveness.Swami advises him even if he predicts anything serious in the astrology chart one should not let the person know it and scare them.Our speech should give happiness and solace to others.Thus explaining he blesses the astrologer.

  What is not possible for a Guru?If we have Guru's blessings with us and if Guru's grace has fallen on us none can harm us.As a disciple, we must make sincere efforts to follow the path Guru has set for us.Doing so we will be eligible for Guru's full grace and Guru Kripa. By following Guru's teachings and Guru's instructions  day by day we progress and one fine day Guru will be forced to glance at us...His mere glance has the power to remove all the karma we are facing. Complete surrender to Guru and devoted love for Him most importantly following and practicing His wisdom teachings will make us win all the difficult situations in life and Guru only has the power to make impossible things possible.

A story of young boy Part -1

A very beautiful story from 'Swami Samartha Ramdas Vijayam' of a young boy, who was saved from the jaws of death.
  Once it so happened that, parents of a child leave him forever  in the ashram of Swami Samartha Ramdas as they wanted the child to do Guru Seva .Swami assigns him a job to get alms from 4 houses (biksha) daily for Swami and himself.Swami also used to accompany the child.But, one day Swami does not accompany him and asked him to go alone.
The child leaves for biksha. After asking for biksha in few houses, he sees a house nearby and he stands in front of a house and shouts aloud "Bavathi Biksham Dehi" reciting a beautiful sloka with a very sweet and powerful voice.The owner of the house, is well versed in astrology and a pious man.He listens to the child and gets amazed at his voice and perfect pronunciation at this tender age.He rushes out immediately  asks the boy to recite the sloka again and feels very happy.He calls the boy inside and offers him biksha. He informs the boy that he is well versed in astrology and he predicts that the boy's life is nearing to death by tomorrow .The boy then very confidently says  he has his Guru's blessings on him and  his Guru will take care of him.The pandit says to the boy his predictions never failed and if again the boy comes back to take biksha at the same time tomorrow then he will agree that his Guru Samartha Ramdas is a very great saint and his astrology knowledge is of no use.

The boy leaves to the ashram crying.Swami Ramdas asks the boy the reason for his sorrow.He does't reply but keeps crying the whole day.Finally, during the dinner time he tells Swami what the astrologer predicted about his death and also says to swami with a very heavy heart that he can no more see his parents and take care of them.He also says to Swami that the astrologer challenged him that his predication will never go wrong and his Guru also can not help him .Listening to all this Swami says to the boy,"Oh! Okay, let's see what will happen, for now let's have food".The boy says to Swami  there is no point in taking food as he would die anyhow, by the next day.Swami tries to convince him  to take some food. As the boy does not agree Swami himself cooks and feeds the crying little boy.The whole night the boy weeps and falls sick, during dawn finally the he falls asleep.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Story explains worrying is not Good

The story of 2 birds (I heard this story while listening to Sri Bhagavatam and which touched my heart).

How uncertain is human life!We get worried for small issues taking place in our life and sometimes worry about how is our future going be?The below story from Bhagavatam, will make us realize that, the one who created and is ruling  the Universe is the only one who takes care of us and we are a part of the Universe and ruled by Him.

There were 2 lovely birds happily living in a forest with their baby birds.One fine day a hunter strikes an arrow at the female bird and the female bird was taking its last breathe.The male bird was  in great sorrow on seeing the female bird's condition and started weeping "Oh! Who is going to take care of me and our babies? Who will give them food? Everyday they eagerly wait for the food you bring for them.I can't mange my life without you, our babies will become all alone"I don't know how to feed them and don't know how to raise them.The female bird was witnessing all this in pain in its last breathe. As the male bird was weeping  in great pain, a big arrow strikes the male bird,cutting its wings and it dies immediately.The male was worried," Who is going to care of us?"But, it was the first one to leave its life!The female was witnessing all this in great pain and at last it also breathed its last breathe.

We never know what is waiting for us in future or can not guess what is going to happen the very next moment.Now, who is going to take care of the baby birds? The Creator is the only one who should and will take care of them.We don't know who is going to leave this body first and proceed on their new journey.There is no point in getting worried and thinking of the same.Who knows, we may leave this life first than the person for whom we are concerned so much and worried.It is the Creator who knows this and  He also knows how to take of us if any uncertain situation takes place in one's life.

There is no use in worrying for anything and everything.Instead, we can use that time taking God's name and being in His company.He knows everything and everyone's life journey.Let's trust Him rather getting worried as our worry will not change any situation in life .By taking His name and doing namasmarana.

The above story is a very good example for all of us.The male bird was worried how am I going to fulfill the responsibilities of my babies?It  was the first one to leave its life!The female bird witnessed the male bird's death, felt very sad and it died after a while. "Worrying is just a waste of time", as said in Bhagavatham.

Also, many people are continuously  worried, "After my death who will do the rituals (dahanasamaskaralu) to my me?" If no one does then, the five elements( the pancha boothalu) will accept you.Once you are dead you are not the body then what is the use in worrying about it and wasting time?Focusing our thoughts towards God is the only way and best way to make ourselves free form all worries. Very happily let us be in the company of God by singing His Glory.

Om Sri Sai Ram Guru Deva Datta.