Monday, December 3, 2018

What is true ?

My true feelings about modern society

Not sure who is in need of this message or share but thought to share my thoughts in this platform. 
What I realized in my life is offering prayers to God is easy than being kind, patient, following virtues like not hurting anyone through thought word or actions. Especially taking care of young children / old people/ handicapped people is the most difficult task. 

Every day or in a year we go through different kinds of experiences with different people and different situations. Sometimes no matter how good we may be at our heart things doesn't work with people eventually that gives us sorrow - What we see with our eyes in this present world is not the truth &  When we realize the truth we can only experience it and try to focus our thoughts towards the truth. 

I always see people who pray God as per their requirements and time and need. But I rarely see very very few people who really love Sadhguru or God with pure love and mind selfless and unconditional. Why is it so ? Some people are confused between traditional life and modern life - Sorry to say but some act like as if they do not know traditions b/c they are modern but I see them praying God as per their requirements. Following the traditions as per their convenience -- Why?

God doesn't know all this ? Drama. 

Why can't a person be truthful to themselves? Is it that hard?? Why can't our words  & actions match? Is it not possible  ?? 

For all those questions I received an answer from my inner heart-  Since the majority is like that 
If we try our best to follow virtues 
Leave our EGO. Become a better person every day inspite of present world distractions then.....Its very easy to reach God. Easy to win our Sadhgurus heart. In fact due to the present world and present people if we think little different than them and do our best then it's very easy to go close to God. Let's leave our EGO. LETS FOLLOW VIRTUES. LETS pray every person should realize the truth and focus our thoughts towards reaching it and following it in our lives.

Om Sri Sai Ram Guru Deva Datta.

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