Thursday, August 10, 2017

Amma Speech part-4

Satsangam Part ::4.
I forgot to mention one point in my rescent video. Amma Amritanandamayi Mata addressed in her speech :: People think that if they come into spiritual path then they may loose worldly joy but that is not it. When we are in spiritual path we need to loose our Ego.
As its mentioned in Sripada Leelavaibhavam book when we are young we will be able to do lots of things as we get old ...there is no energy to walk, sit for long time etc etc problems will bother us & we wont be able to spend most of our time in divine presence.
Also doing satsangam gives us so many good results in our lives. Age is not a matter in-order to do Satsangam or participate in it ....I only got a chance to have Amma Amrutanandamayi darshan by participating in one of her satsang program && where i shared my experience infact that was an amazing experience till last minute i wasnt sure about attending Amma's satsang. Same way i got to know about Guruji Sri Viswamji Maharaj by doing satsang with one of my neighbor in 2008 year when she came for haldi, Kumkum. Till that time i did not know about swami. As much as we attend satsang and have gurus darshan, sparshan , sambhashan...atleast some of our way of leading life , attitude , following virtues in everyday life will get improve and i believe that is the ultimate goal of our human life. I believe our soul doesnt have a age && we dont know how many lives, years been passed with this soul & its good to focus on our ultimate goal.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

Amma Speech Part -3

Satsangam part ::3
Gurus Grace :: When the things are not under our control and when our sorroundings and things are not favorable to us but all of sudden if something happens and once they become favorable to us.....
is nothing but called as Gurus grace.
Example :: When my family went to have Amma Amritanandamayi darshan for the second day they said for second day darshan members there is no tokens available due to the crowd and as new members need to get that chance. Then we said we have a small baby and its hard for us to go with general darshan,
They said :: even then this is the only choice you guys can try and see what you can do. After this ...exactly 30 min one person came close us and told us to take tokens & guided the process is nothing but pure Gurus grace !!! Other wise they are very clear about general darshan even when we requested them for the first time.
While i was going for Ammas darshan they gave a paper explaining about guru mantra ::
Continuously taking the name of Guru gives us tremendous results and strength.The name itself has that power, whether chant,just for the sake of chanting also, it will slowly make your steps move towards Guru and increase faith in Him.
Chanting power makes you go close to your Guru.Chanting of mantra repeatedly will slowly decrease your stress, anxiety tension .And Guru will never leave the person who is repeatedly taking His name..knowing or unknowingly .It will relive us from all sorts of mental and physical ailments.
We must keep the name of Guru on tongue(dhynam) "GURU DATTA JAYA GURU DATTA" while doing any sort and all sorts of work.
Let us thank our Guru for the good food He is providing us daily also when we drink Tea in the morning lets just do guru smarana before we take our first sip from our Tea glass. This is nothing but we are connected with our Guru in all times.
Let us always keep Him in our thoughts and actions..Though we are drained out of energy He will put us in track by some or the other means.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

Amma Speech Part-2

God does not inspect every moment of our life, it is the conscious which does this. It keeps inspecting your good deeds and bad deeds .We must always keep diverting ourselves towards God no matter what work we do the name of Lord should always be on our mind and heart. It is natural for all of us to get diverted from God i.e, having no focus on Him. Amma gave a very amazing example- when we are at the airport to receive our beloved ones, in spite of many passengers coming out we just look for and have focus on our beloved ones, and our eyes constantly search for them, as in which direction they are coming.The same in the case of our love towards Guru...Completely dedicated and focused.
Guru will always guide us and we must realize the truth that Guru is the invisible energy in us, who is guiding us and will always guide us.We must develop this kind of faith towards our Guru and once, you start trusting Him you will develop confidence within yourself, no matter what it could be my Guru is always their for me and He will take care of everything.He will show me the good path. You will feel the presence of Guru in our lives by listening to His leelas daily and following virtues. We expect everyone to change for us.But, how much are we trying to change for others?Are we trying to correct our mistakes?
Amma says let us change for good from within and set a good example for others.
Here I would like to narrate a story from my childhood: I had a Yoga teacher who always preached good things to us but he could not follow the same at his home, so, he had no respect form his own family is always said practice before you preach.
Amma also mentioned that the kind of thoughts you develop within will release vibrations form our body.If we think good, +ve vibrations are released and if we think bad, -ve vibrations are released in the surroundings we live.Same with the kind of affection we show towards our kids, in spite of all the emotions we undergo, we must try to show love towards them.Let us try to correct ourselves if we are not up to the mark.
For example:: if someone is trying to show their frustration on you, why do you react?You be calm and peaceful, rather showing equal frustration.If you also show frustration both of you are spreading negative vibrations to your surroundings. Though maintaining our cool at any cost is a challenging task, but, we must try to do this and improve ourselves.
Each one is responsible for the type of fruits they are bearing now, whether it is good or bad...everything carried from the kind of seeds we have sown in the previous birth.
Amma narrates a lovely story here:
A king calls 3 people from the court and asks them to bring a bag full of fruits and vegetables which in turn will be distributed to the poor.All 3 set out on their job. The first person being very generous and kind hearted and wants the poor to enjoy best of the food,he takes in a lot of effort and plucks good fruits and vegetables.The 2nd one person being moderate generous think as they are poor it is okay to offer them any kind of food , picks up mixed kind of vegetables and fruits.The 3rd person was in a hurry to reach the king and did not want to waste his time on picking up good food for them as he thinks they are any how poor so it is okay I can give them what ever I find and not so serious on the job allocated picks up whatever he finds from the ground.
When they go back to the king and King says to them that the rule has changed and they will be imprisoned for a week and the bag of fruits and vegetables what they have brought can be used by them for that week.
It is very obvious that that the first person enjoys and has a good time as hid bag is full best eatables.Whereas, the second person can withstand for few days as,his bag contains only few good eatables and later collapses. the third person state was horrible for obvious reasons.So we should always be careful in life.We must not do things or work to impress otherwise, but, as work as we are working for our Guru.
We must not do things for getting appreciations from others but, work for good and be good in order to experience love from our Guru and for His Grace.Because that is what matters for each and everyone of us in our life.
Having Guru Krupa in once life is the main goal of this birth .His Krupa can make us win in all kind of situation as long as we are doing good, no matter people recognize it or not.The person who should recognize is our Guru. Even, we do not appreciate many people in our life whom we come across in spite of them doing good service.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.
Will continue. Part 3 tomorrow.

Amma Speech part-1

elugu Video :: Translated version part :: 1.
Today, let us memorize the golden words preached by our Gurus.Guru loves and gives a helping hand for those devotees who are progressing in their spiritual path.
Recently, I had Amma Amritanandamayi divine darshan and a beloved devotee of Mata came forward and informed that, Amma loves devotees of any Guru who are trying hard to progress in their spiritual path for spiritual uplift and those who show interest in spiritual works. This kind of divine love towards devotees not only comes from Amma but from all the Sadhgurus. Sadhguru wants all of us to follow good virtues and practice good values in our lives.Same is mentioned in many Avadootha charitras.
Whenever, we face any unpleasant situation in our lives, we keep on thinking of that particular person through whom we faced the situation and keep on complaining ...thinking that... why does all these happen only to me? We are always in the smarana of people who offended us rather than taking the name of God.I request all of you to divert yourself immediately when you are encountering these kind of thoughts by repeatedly reading or listening to Guru leelas, listen to stories of great devotees who has completely surrendered themselves to God and experienced the divine love by taking the God's name always, not caring for any kind of hurdles and obstacles they had to face in their life.For example, King Ambareesha was completely devoted to Lord Vishnu and surrendered himself completely to Him.All the curses given to him by Sage Durvaasa in anger were directed to Lord Vishnu. This is the kind of love our Guru/God always showers upon us when we are in need.
One person can not be liked by all in a similar manner.Few may not like us too!This happens in my case as well.I feel it is absoutely fine and nothing wrong as, each one has their own choices.Instead, I focus on my Guru, for His Grace and His Love.Others opinion on me do not bother me. In my life so far, it is just because of Guru Krupa I was and am able to have darshan of many Avadoothas. Not only darshan but, sparshana as well sambashana. This is just because my Guru knows me very well.This is the truth of my life which implies that, I have immense Guru Krupa on me.This is the most precious thing all of us should desire and have in our life. Remaining all are just passing clouds. Whenever, I face such kind of people or situation in life I recharge myself by recollecting all the Golden moments I had spent with my Guru as well many Guru's in my life.I am happy with what I am been gifted by my Guru.
Many of us worry of our future, as what is hidden in our future.The best person who knows of this is our Guru.It is always better to leave everything at His Lotus feet and surrender to Him completely.So, what ever it could be Guru will be with us and guide us, He will be our strength. He will definitely pull us out from any kind of bad emotions or situations. Always pray to Guru each and every moment, for His love and ask Him not to leave His kids hand in any situation.We must always try to divert our fickle mind towards our Guru.
Amma also mentioned in her discourse that the kind of luxary or comforts we are enjoying in our lives today is due to the seed that we have sown in our previous birth.There is no need for us to hurt any person who has been rude to us or who hurt our feelings. It doesnt matter how they behave but it depends how you react to the situation and behave towards them will only add it into your account. It is clear now....What ever the act we are going to do towards them will only be getting added to our accounts so we really need to watch our actions.
I will share Part - 2 tomorrow. Stay blessed everyone.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

experiences with Amma Part - 2

First day after Ammas morning darshan we went to have Sri Gajanan Maharaj's darshan at swami temple. After that by the time we came back to Amma mandir place bhajan was almost about to finish and harati started while her devotees giving harati to Amma ...Amma was throwing rose petals on to them as her blessings ...In the same way even Sri Viswamji Maharaj does it during his darshan time. I felt amazing the devotees are being blessed by Amma directly. Then Second day morning when we went to take tokens for morning darshan .....they said tokens only for those who are having very first Ammas darshan & you need to wait in general darshan. I was paused for a second b/c i know how hard its going to be with my baby. Followed by we went and sat in the chairs as per their guidence ....I was chanting Datta chalisa from first day on...all day long to have peaceful darshan. No one can believe after 30min one devotee came and said some one asked me to give you guys tokens for Ammas morning darshan guys come with me ....Amma gave her name as VALLABHA ....she is an american. The moment we saw her name and the way she helped my family was amazing( My baby boy name is also VALLABHA) !! Its pure Gurukrupa !!!!. Then when i went for Ammas darshan i told her about Guruji and took Ammas blessings but still didnt see ammas face not even for few seconds....then in the evening one person said No darshan to those who had morning Ammas darshan...i said thats okay lets others get chance too. But Can anyone believe what happened ???
Again Guruji sent Ammas devotee where we sat and she asked us to take Tokens and directed us how to approach for it and guided well for attending evening program ...Amma will dress up like Durga Mata and its called Devi Bhava darshan most precious and important darshan. With Gurus grace we attended evening meditation, and total program...!!!!. Followed by when we went to have Ammas darshan on stage for the third time i decided i am going to look into Ammas eyes atleast few seconds && i shouldn't be scared ..prayed Guruji to give that strength and asked him to be with me during that time. Chanted datta chalisa all day long in my heart for that!!!. Yes when the time came this time i looked into Ammas eyes for few seconds by doing namaskaram to Amma....Amma was in Durga mata get up and she gave big broad smile to me the way guruji does and she simply throwed rose petals on to me while i neeldown and did Namaskaram to Amma. That was really an Amazing moment very very precious moment !! After the trip still i feel i miss Ammas divine program and being in her presence. Its taking time for me to realize i am back home already with my routine work & routine life.
Gurus love is most precious than anything in this world.
Tomorrow ill share Ammas speech about following virtues in our lives and the result it gives us. Its a beautiful message. I really miss Amma's program and her divine presence. But i am still recollecting every moment from that program every minute and thinking by this time i was standing in line to have darshan, to take token, at Ammas mandir etc etc....
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

Experiences with Amma Part-1

Finally With Gurus grace i got a chance to have Amma's Darshan, sparshan and sambhashan chance.

Fiirst day with Amma's devotees guidance i followed the instructions in order to go close to Amma during darshan time but since its my very first darshan i was kind of confused and couldn't see Amma face for few minutes b/c the moment we go to Amma....Amma hugs us and says mostly bangaru thalli to all Telugu members whom ever she hugs.....Second day when i sat in the chair Amma devotee reached me to ask about how we are doing and how is everything going on... i said i did not get to see Amma after Amma hugs & kept chandan on my face we came quickly from the stage per the devotees instructions but did not see Ammas face closely !!! I understand the crowd is really huge and everyone needs to get a chance ...
Immediately Amma's devotee said :: You are very blessed my dear !! Amma says bangaru thalli to all Telugu members and Amma hugs everyone...but Amma wont apply chandan on anyones face its only if the person is very old or if the person is spiritually very good and inorder to uplift their spiritual journey Amma applies chandan at their third eye place ... also Amma gives fruit to very few members where as candy and vibhuti she gives to everyone. After this when i checked with my husband and my daughter incase if amma applied chandan to them ?? They said no... Then i realized what the devotee was explaining to me ....she also said Amma sensed the moment you went close to her you have a Guru and you are in that spiritual practice. && No one can believe since few months my materialistic life activities became so much where as i hardly had time for my spiritual practice but even then i used to do few minutes a day but not like before how i used to be with my spiritual practice. After i came back from Ammas darshan my thoughts and things again changed back to my spiritual journey now...i feel how come i wasted so much time with too many materialistic activities ..&& now it makes sense to me that the trip was totally Gurus grace i did not even think about it in my dreams that i am going to meet Amma Amritanandamayi mata in my life!!!. I never know about her before till i was expecting my second child.
This is all my first day experience in divine mothers presence. Ill share the way Amma throwed rose petals on to me during her devi darshan time 2nd day. Its Amazing !!! No words . Its all Guruji Sri Vittal Babjis grace upon me. Love you Baba.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

Amrutanandamayi Satsang Part-3

Yesterdays post continuation::
After i told the person i will come to attend Amma Satsangam. I went and told Gurujis picture that i received a call baba please bless me to attend the program. Ill attach the picture i usually converse with Guruji. Saturday evening(i.e Yesterday) we were supposed to attend but till morning my husband was still in his travel and not sure how its going to be and Friday night almost half of the night my baby was crying on and on and i couldn't help him b/c what ever i tried to calm him down things did not work. Followed by due to sudden repair there was power outage and i hardly had sleep && im way too tired but still i kept on praying baba requesting about attending amma satsang program. Finally ....with Gurus grace in-spite of all disturbances we were able to attend it and while attending the program i have experienced Ammas sparkling eyes &sweet smile  looking at me. 
Then...After few bhajans there was discussions about spiritual things and i felt so happy and said would it be okay to share the leela the way i am able to attend todays program ....then Ramanandji allowed me to talk and i shared  the way i was there in few sentences not this how i explained here ...Everyone heard and every one kept quiet. Followed by again Ramanandji singing bhajans but i dont know i felt may be i failed to express what i thought to tell ... oh...i would have rather kept quiet than talking in front of 50 to 60 members also there were very young children and elderly people. But i said it in my heart Gurudeva and Amma what i experienced in order to attend here i thought to share with everyone but if i had done any mistake by conveying my message please forgive me. 

After Satsang finished almost each and every person came to me and thanked me for sharing my experience with all the members and some of Ammas  followers  told me ::: Amma is coming to Atlanta and you should have Ammas darshan. While i was putting on my shoes while i was leaving from the event one boy came to me by running and said aunty you touched all of us by sharing your experience by mentioning the way you talk to baba. Thank you so much aunty. It was very first time for me to speak in front of so many members specially young children and elders. I thought i might have done something wrong but ....after everyone came and talked to me i felt happy for sharing it. 

I always feel God is one its just the forms are different that is the reason when ever i get to introduce to any Guru i tried to share with all our members. 

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

Amma Satsang part - 2

Earlier post in Part -1 i mentioned that i bought Amma picture with me & everyday i used to wake up by looking at that picture first thing in the morning && also the time i used to spend time in my master bedroom i always used to look at that Ammas picture all the time......( as i kept that in my dresser )
But to be honest i did not know much about Amma. Its just that i liked that pic && used to look at it as i was expecting a baby that time. Followed by last month i received an email about Ramanandji Satsang but the place is 2.5 hrs drive from where we live then...when i checked with the person to see if there is any program at my place where we live ....he said he doesn't know. 
 I kept on thinking about attending his Satsang but how ???? Though my husband said ill take you there but i wasn't willing to trouble him b/c as he travel a lot during weekdays and his job is so demanding that i don't like to trouble him during week ends....&& but... i had a strong wish to attend the satsang. 
Then when i kept on thinking about it....with Gurus grace i received an idea of calling amma group members from my place && i looked at temple sheet && i called the person && left a Voice mail but after that i did not receive any response from the person ......then after a week i thought may be i don't deserve to attend Ammas satsang and then i kept quiet. 

This week Tuesday afternoon my phone rang && when i answered the call an elderly person called me to invite to ammas satsang !!!!!My joy had no boundaries !!!! When i expressed my feelings  with her she said you deserve it && please come on Saturday and i'm glad i responded to you b/c you called wrong person but she shared your Voice mail with me then i got to take your contact details from her dear. (( But that was the only  number present in temple contact sheet))). 

After that again there were so many breaks to attend Ammas satsang ....till last minute we weren't sure whether we will be able to go or not ....tomorrow ill share the way Amma called us && the way Gurus  grace works on his children. My mother always says you have abundant Gurus grace upon you  && that is helping you to have darshan, sparshan , sambhashan chance with so many Gurus in this world. Sometimes i truly feel i'm a blessed soul to get connect with so many Gurus in this world && most importantly with my pradhan Guru :: Guruji Sri Vittal Babaji with whom i spent some of my time &&  got connected with him so much in my life. 

Ill share the remaining beautiful story tomorrow.

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Amma Amritanandamayi part -1

During 2015 year every Friday we used to go to temple and one friday there was Amma satsang going on...and with gurus grace i was able to attend that and followed by again with Ammas grace i got a chance to attend Amma satsang in 2017 year and that was an Amazing experience. Before that for the first time i attended amma satsang i was expecting my second child and there was a picture a little boy kissing Amma and i really liked that picture and bought it with me and everyday i used to look at that pic and infact thats how i got connected to Amma and With Gurus grace i again got a chance to attend Ammas Satsang 2017 year will share that amazing experience sometime tomorrow.

Part -2 Link ::

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

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