Thursday, January 23, 2020

What I learned and practiced from Sri Mohanji teachings Part-1

The things that i learned by watching Sri Mohanji ( from Kerala ) videos

sometimes we all think we are growing spiritually just by participating in charity works or by following everyday routine Pooja rituals at our homes. But I understood from Sri Mohanji's speeches as much as our mind starts getting silent ( its inside mind chattering ) followed by when the mind completely stops chattering inside that's when one is spiritually progressed. How to achieve this state ?

from my understanding  : by start observing our thoughts, - slowly we realize how crazy our thoughts are going on b/c there is no connection between one thought to the second thought but all our mind wants is just an entertainment to keep it busy at all times. But i have realized we loose lot of energy by giving importance to the negative , emotional thoughts isn't it ? not just we loose our energy but also our most precious time, days .. followed by years and most importantly we get completely side track of our purpose of human birth in this earth isn't it? hence its understood our mind is not our friend and there is no need to entertain it anymore.

How to control these thoughts : What i understood from Sri Mohanji's teachings : Since you do not know what thought is going to come after the first thought try to focus on your words when you speak - be very conscious when you are speaking try not to utter a word unconsciously. there are videos in you-tube - Awareness is the key by Sri Mohanji. those video will be very helpful to practice this concept.

From  so far of my practice  : doing Sri Mohanji's silence meditation it is very helpful - ever since i started doing it i realized how restless is my mind over these many years, also realized i did not pay attention to love myself  - the truth is once we start loving ourselves then only we will start to love others around us ( Learned this from Sri Vittal Babaji's teachings). Followed by this silence meditation with Sadhgurus grace i have also started  doing Conscious Walk program suggested by Sri Mohanji from his one of you tube videos and that's again a very good experience. This conscious walk gave me some hope, positive thoughts, confidence in my life most importantly i slowly stopped to think about fearful things in life. Once i heard from Mohanji's video when a person is spiritual then there is no place for fear , no place for negative things b/c the unshakable faith towards our sadhguru will replace all those negative things with divine love in our heart. Regarding this conscious walk few years back also i read from a book called "Walk Away Anxiety" its very helpful book in case if anyone interested in reading.

 When i read below message from Sri Mohanji's facebook quotes :

"All the people are the same. Nobody's higher,nobody's lower. I am not special. I'm the same as you are. But the thing is that i decided that if i am breathing,my heart is beating, it will be for the world . I do not live for myself. That's the only decision i've taken"- by Mohanji. This is something truly touched my heart !!!. So far in my life i read and followed so many Sadhgurus books and had their Darshan, Sparshan, Sambhashan Bhagyam and i learned so many good things from all of them as well but when i came across Sri Mohanji's ( from Karela ) teachings and started implementing them with Sadhguru my mother Sri Vittal babaji's grace - its the first time in my life i realized how restless my mind is & i felt bad for not paying attention to myself to get close to the path of liberation.  Liberation is not easy as we say but when we sincerely seeking , putting effort with good guidance in the right path then i believe with Sadhgurus grace its definitely possible in this birth itself. I feel i owe a lot to my Mother Sri Vittal Babaji for showing all wonderful Sadhgurus in my life at right time of life followed by i owe to all wonderful sadhgurus so from whom so far i took their guidance, followed their teachings and experienced best results in my so far of my spiritual growth.

Once i started doing meditation - i started  experiencing good things and changes in my life but Since Sri Mohanji says : in the beginning most of the people will experience but in the middle when they do not experience anything that's when they stop as they are not experiencing anything out of doing it,  but if they try to be consistent and do it for long time then definitely there will be good results in one's life progress. Ever since i heard this from his speech _ I thought to drop my idea to share my meditation experiences right now but with Sadhgurus grace after practicing it for few years consistently then i would love to share  my joy with all of you. Hope this helps some of you and gives inspiration in someway to start practicing meditation and Sri Mohanji's teachings to become best person from better person in our lives.

Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

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