Friday, February 14, 2020

My experiences by doing Agnihotra

Performing Agnihotra, doing meditation and focusing on our Mahamantra when these 3 things come together in our everyday discipline ...Then...  these will give us tremendous strength during the hard times of our lives. Sri Mohan Jadhav Guruji always suggests us - following our discipline by doing Morning, Evening Agnihotra and meditation and focusing on Mahamantra ( Guru mantra that we received from our beloved Sadhguru)  at all times is very important for one's own spiritual progress. Guruji also suggests  - doing spiritual practice as and when it's comfortable for us does not help. In the beginning, days when I started doing Agnihotra I have started experiencing positive energy and peace of mind. Last year- the time I started doing Agnihotra I know how the situations are in my life and after doing agnihotra I started experiencing positive changes. Most of the time when we start any spiritual practices- the majority of the people will expect overnight drastic changes in their materialistic life but that is not the right way to think. Once we start doing any sadhana with discipline and faith we will see good changes in our attitude, behavior, habits. Once we start to change our "personality" - then, people around us will also try to change.

With Agnihotra, the major changes I see in myself is: I started keeping my beloved Sadhguru in my heart and I am worshiping him in my heart itself all the time: When we want to invite Sadhguru to our house we try to keep the house clean and neat... in the same way once we start worshiping our beloved Sadhguru in our heart we will start keeping our heart clean as well. How to keep our hearts clean? remove dirt like hatred, jealousy, attachment, ego, pride and try to fill the heart full of love, positive nature. Then our Sadhguru will be happy to sit in our hearts and he will be with us where ever we may be but every moment of our life he will be with us.

The day I was recording and uploading Lord Dattatreya Swami's message regarding performing Agnihotra by every human being on this earth through Sri Mohan Jadhav Guruji while I was doing that work all of sudden Chandan( Sandal) smell went around in the room for few seconds. I had the same experience during  Dattajayanthi time when I did live Aghora kashtodharana stotra chanting in the Facebook group for about 108 times.

Also the day I finished my live Facebook demonstration about how to perform Agnihotra with all dattabandhus - the same day Sri Swami Samartha Maharaj came in my dreams and I was in Akkalkot at Vatavruksha mandir - Under the tree swami was sitting and he was assigning me one work after the other and the dream went on early in the morning.... the way I spent my time with swami Samarth Maharaj at vatavruksha mandir was something beyond explanation. felt very happy to get his blessings the same day Sadhguru gave me a chance to spread about Agnihotra with all our dattabandhus. I have been listening and reading his leelamrutam book for several years but this is my only second-time swami darshan in my dreams after the year 2016. Feeling very blessed.

Now I came to a point I can't lead my rest of my life without doing agnihotra. In fact while doing Agnihotra and Mruthyumjay Swahakar sometime in December Sri Swami Samartha Maharaj and Sri Satya Sai Baba appeared on my Agnikundalini Patra. My joy has no boundaries as i know how much I love both of them from bottom of my heart. In fact during my college days almost every day, i used to cry for Sri Satya Sai Baba darshan and finally swami came to me and gave his darshan !!!!. Please find the attached picture.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.

1 comment:

lucid pen said...

Where can I find the book mentioned in the post?