Friday, October 14, 2016

Importance of Guru and Guru padukas

Happy Dashera to All Our DattaBandhu's : Today I am going to share  Vittal Babaji's Speech:

Importance of Guru and GuruPaduka's :

There once lived a king who had been asking his Guru to bless him with Guru-padukas but had not been granted his plea. One day a poor man was desperately in need of money to perform his daughter’s marriage .He had heard of the Guruji and approached him and paid his respects and explained his situation.

He Guruji spontaneously blessed him with the Gurupadukas.
The poor man was confused and disappointed.He did not have the courage to ask the Guruji why he received Gurupadukas instead of financial help but silently walked away.
He kept wondering what could be the reason behind the Guruji giving him the padukas.
At the same time the King was on his way to the Ashram to pay his respects to the Guruji.During his journey he started noticing the Guruji’s smell coming closer and stronger.
Finally he realized that it was coming from the poor man.He stopped immediately and approached the poor man and asked him “ Oh Dear man, You have something that reminds me strongly of my Guruji”, Please tell me what it is?
The poor man then showed the padukas that he received from the Guruji. The king immediately fell to the ground in astonishment and deep respect. He asked the poor man about how he was able to receive the holy padukas. The king then proceeded to give the poor man untold riches not only to help with his daughters marriage but make him a millionaire many times over. In return the king received the Gurupadukas.
The king then realized that the Guruji was testing him to see if he would realize the presence of the Guruji around him and was giving him the padukas through the poor man. He came to the realization that the Guru was omnipresent and it was the disciple’s duty to realize his presence.

MORAL : The Guru is Omnipresent. It is one’s duty to seek, search and realize his presence.

Story told by : My Guru Sri Sri Sri Swami Vittalananda Saraswathi Maharaj !!!

Om Sri Sai Guru Deva Datta !

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